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A member registered Feb 16, 2021

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welp it also happens with Philly to but it doesn't end early tho Pico and BF just ... stop singing the arrows are still good just the singing stops

so im playing all the week in newgrounds and go to week 2 and i try "south" i get a few bars in then the voices stop makeing noise then the song ends .... hopefully will get fixed or stays on the newgrounds version

That is the old icon for the BF .... I don't know if that was there before 2.7.1 but its definitely an Easter egg I think

indeed my good man

oh cool 


I also found this

So I was messing around a little more and found this thing that looked like a song or something the title of it was named "Smash"  idk  what it would be for if it was a song so if someone knows post it.

(2 edits)

So after I downloaded the new update I was messing around and I went into the changelog on the  desktop port of FNF and in the change log for the 2.7.1 update says that there is Easter eggs in the update so I would like help finding these cool Easter eggs if you find anything post it here please and if you find anything I thank you.